Sunday, April 19, 2009

New York Times ♥ Zahi Hawass

Leave it to The New York Times to come to the rescue of world famous Dr. Zahi Hawass, Egyptian archeologist and secretary-general of the Supreme Council of Antiquities in Egypt, with a textbook whitewash defending his reputation. Hawass is a familiar face to millions who have seen him reveal secrets of the past on TV programs about Egyptian archeology aired on the Discovery Channel, the History Channel and PBS. Now he has revealed a secret about himself and his innermost beliefs. In an Egyptian TV interview Hawass said this about the Jews:

“For 18 centuries they were dispersed throughout the world. They went to America and took control of its economy. They have a plan. Although they are few in number, they control the entire world.”

The interviewer continued, asking Hawass how it is possible that Jews “have taken control of the entire world.” In response Hawass explained:

“The reason is that they are always united over a single view. They always move together, even if in the wrong direction. We, on the other hand, are divided. If even two Arab countries could be in agreement, our voice would be stronger. Look at the control they have over America and the media.”

What else does Hawass have to say about Jews? In an article for the London-based Arabic newspaper Al-Sharq Al-Awsat, which is distributed around the world, Hawass wrote that:

"The concept of killing women, children and elderly people... seems to run in the blood of the Jews of Palestine. [In fact,] it seems to have become part of the false faith of this people, who is tormenting us in our [own] homeland.”

"When I speak of the Jewish faith, I do not mean their [original] faith, but the faith that they forged and contaminated with their poison, which is aimed against all of mankind... The only thing that the Jews have learned from history is methods of tyranny and torment - so much so that they have become artists in this field. They have done to the Palestinians what Pharaoh and Sargon [of Akkad] did to the Jews..."

Hawass issued a “clarification” on his web site complaining that his statements are being widely “misrepresented.”

Where does the The New York Times enter the picture? On Saturday April 18th in a 1,251 word article titled “Egypt’s Tomb Raider – Off and (Mostly) On Camera,” author Michael Slackman, with contributing reporter Mona el-Naggar, wrote about Hawass’s “star” status as an all-round archeology superman. There is no reporting about Hawass’s statements or writings about Jews. But there is one indirect reference in this whitewashing, reputation defending, article published the world’s newspaper of record:

“…and he has been taken to task for his critical statements about Jews. He insists, though, that he is not anti-Semitic and that his remarks were aimed only at Israeli Jews and their treatment of the Palestinians.”

The reader is left to wonder about those “critical statements” without any hint of how vile they were. Indeed, how interesting the phrase “critical statements” is itself. What does it say about the writers, the editor and the publisher? Was Hawass only critical of Jews? Isn’t he really perpetuating the same old lies that have been used for centuries as the basis for hatred and murder of Jews? On the same page, one column to the left, is an article titled “Palestinians Urge Envoy to Press Israel on Statehood”. One is reminded of Laurel Leff’s Buried by the Times.

Here are links to the articles and videos cited above. Take a look for yourself.

MEMRI TV: “Renowned Egyptian Archeologist Zahi Hawass: Jews Control the Entire World”

MEMRI: “Antisemitic Statements and Cartoons in Wake of Gaza War” (search the page for Hawass or scroll down to the 12th paragraph) (

The New York Times: “Egypt’s Tomb Raider – Off and (Mostly) On Camera” (

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