Saturday, November 30, 2013

In Israel, a Dream Made Real

Ari Shavit: In Israel, a Dream Made Real -

Against all odds, Zionism has allowed an almost extinguished people to renew itself

In Israel, centuries of pain have burst out into gaiety and creation. Here is the demography of hope: an almost extinguished people renewing itself. Unlike the affluent societies of Europe, Israel's affluent society reproduces and grows—we have babies in great numbers.

Israel is no utopia, but it is an amazing expression of vitality.

Once one steps back from the ongoing friction of a conflict reported daily around the world, one can see the transformation of the Jews in the Zionist century. We had to come here, and once we came, we did wonders.

The Jewish nation state has brought neither peace nor peace of mind to the Jews. But it has provided us with the intensity of life on the edge—the adrenaline rush of living dangerously. Threatened with death, we have built a spectacle of life. We have converged on this shore and cling to this shore, come what may.

Friday, November 29, 2013

'Washington Post': White House omitting facts about Iran nuclear deal

The Washington Post's editorial board says The White House is omitting key facts about the nuclear deal signed with Iran. According to the Post's Editorial Board, "the United States and its partners have already agreed that Iranian enrichment activity will continue indefinitely. In contrast, a long-standing US demand that an underground enrichment facility be closed is not mentioned." According to the editorial, the most troubling aspect of the Geneva interim deal is that Iran could return to uranium enrichment and plutonium production at some point in the future after sanctions have been removed.

Read the analysis on the Jerusalem Post and The Washington Post's full editorial.

Friday, November 22, 2013

Quiet revolution afoot as reforms sail through Knesset

A slow-moving legislative revolution is taking place that may dramatically change how Israelis live their lives. Electoral change, pay equality, raised marriage age, rabbinical competition — a stream of liberal legislation is moving with unexpected ease through the Knesset.